Research Engineering Development Façade Consultants Limited (RED) is proud of being the pioneer in curtain wall and fire testing in Hong Kong. RED was established in 1996 with 20 years experience in curtain wall and fire testing services. We provide all aspects of curtain wall or fire testing, consulting services and assessments. We are accredited with HOKLAS accreditation operated by Hong Kong Accreditation Service (HKAS) from The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for carrying out tests on curtain wall systems as well as fire tests on loadbearing and non-loadbearing building elements. With the accredited status, our testing and assessment reports are fully recognized by the statutory and regulatory authorities in Hong Kong, and other countries in the rest of the world. RED is operated by delicate specialists with doctoral degree in civil and structural engineering and years of experience in advanced testing in building structures and fire engineering. In 2004, the company has established a subsistent company RED Consultants Limited to provide wind tunnel testing to assess wind-induced loadings and pressure on buildings as well as air ventilation in study areas accurately.