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Magazine ads are the ads you see in print. Most publishers really on the promotion of their literature to make money. Advertisers place their product or service in the magazine and the publisher distributes the magazines where their mailing lists can be reached.


1. Magazine and magazine ads garner the most attention:

A study by Jack Myers Research found that when consumers were asked which media outlet they were most likely to pay attention to, magazines came in at or near the top. BIG Research shows that when consumers read newspapers, they are less likely to interact with other media or engage in non-media activities than those who use television, radio, or the Internet.

2. Magazine advertising is valuable content:

Several studies have shown that consumers respond well to advertising in magazines. Both Yankelovich and Dynamic Logic argue that consumers have a more significant positive relationship with newspaper advertising than with other media. In addition, according to research conducted by MediaVest, consumers search for content in different genres more often in magazines than on the Internet.

3. Magazines supply credibility:

According to Simmons Media Care Studies, consumers trust and believe magazines and magazine supplements more than any other medium, which shows that magazines are more credible than television or the Internet. Other independent studies confirm that consumers trust stores.

4. Magazine print and digital audiences are growing:

Magazine readership and the average number of issues read in the past month have both increased over the past five years. Additionally, the use of newspaper websites is growing faster than the general use of the Internet.

5. Magazine advertising is relevant and targeted:

Consumers interact more with magazine advertising than with other media. Advertisers can target their needs with different content that appeals to different demographics, lifestyles, and interests.

6. Magazines are a leading influence on word-of-mouth:

According to MRI, magazine readers use more than other media to influence their friends and family through different types of products. In addition, ezines are also likely to help in the growth of social media users for attracting marketing.

7. Magazine advertising sells:

Several studies have shown that magazines are the most important reason for purchase. That is because, according to Affinity Research, more than half of the readers respond to the magazine.

8. Magazines improve advertising ROI:

Three different ROI rates from 58 used subscription programs show that magazines lead in terms of earnings. Magazines consistently produce the lowest cost per impact (Marketing Evolution, 2008). Per capita, magazines are the most effective mixed media ever (Dynamic Logic, 2009). For these, spent dollars, advertising is the most effective way to reach four of the five stages of the purchase journey (Dynamic Logic, 2009).

9. Magazine advertising drives web search, traffic and action-taking:

Research has shown that magazines lead other media consumers to produce research online, first by gender and age. Additionally, research from Marketing Evolution, Jupiter Research, and OPA shows that ads on store or magazine websites increase traffic, online purchases, and offline behavior, including theft, shopping, and scrounging.

10. Magazine advertising drives effectiveness throughout the purchase funnel:

Newspapers are generally more involved in the consumer decision-making process than other media. On the other hand, warehouses reinforce the effectiveness of alternative media at every step of the way.

11. Magazine audiences accumulate faster than you think- and with lasting impact:

An average month gets about 60% of listeners in one month and an average week gets about 80% of listeners in two weeks.

12. Magazines ads deliver reach:

According to eight key demographics, the top 25 magazine shows more viewers than the top 25 TV shows.
