General forum

Reacties · 199 Uitzichten

Connect with other members and explore a variety of topics in our General Forum. Ask questions, share experiences, and join the discussion in a formal setting.

The general forum is for anything and everything. It's the place to go if you want to talk about current events, politics, religion, and other controversial topics. The general forum is a great place to meet new people with similar interests.


The general forum is a place for you to talk about anything, from the most mundane topics to the most important ones. It's also where your fellow players can ask questions that don't fit into any of the other forums.

The general forum is a place where you can discuss anything and everything with your fellow players. From the most mundane topics to the most important ones, this is where you can ask questions that don't fit into any of the other forums. It's also a place where you can share information about yourself and your characters, or just have fun talking about whatever comes to mind!

There are three subforums within the general forum: Introductions, Out of Character (OOC), and In Character (IC). If you're new to the site or just joining in on a game that already has established characters and storylines, feel free to introduce yourself here! You can tell us about your character's personality and goals, link backstories or bios if you have them, or simply chat with other members about anything that doesn't fit into one of the other forums.


You can talk about anything you want here. If you run into a member in real life, or if someone is being particularly annoying on the chat, feel free to tell them "Hey." It's not rude at all!

If you're bored with what's happening in the world today and want some advice from other members, then make sure to check out our forum section called "Talk." In this section we have many different topics that are interesting and fun to discuss. Some examples include: politics (which many people will enjoy), religion (which might not be for everyone), sports (for those who love watching baseball games), movies... whatever fits your interests best!

Our community has a lot of members, and you might not know them all. So if you're feeling lonely or just want to meet new people, check out our chat rooms! These are the best places to talk with other people in our community and get to know each other better. Some of the chat rooms we have include:


The sport forum is for talking about any sport, including but not limited to football (soccer), baseball, basketball and hockey. It’s also good for discussing other sports like American football or rugby.

If you want to talk about your favorite team or player in person with other fans of your favorite team then this is the place for you! You can discuss the major events happening around the world during this year’s World Cup such as who will win gold medals at Rio Olympics 2020? Or who will win between Barcelona or Real Madrid next season?

The politics forum is for talking about politics, current events and anything else that has to do with government. This is also the place to talk about world leaders like Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin or Kim Jong Un.


Health forum is a broad topic, but it's one that we're always happy to tackle. If you have questions or want to share your experiences with health-related products, please do!

This is the place to discuss anything related to health and fitness. We’re always open to hearing about new products or techniques that have helped you stay fit, or we can help you find a product or service if you're looking for something specific! Travel The world is a big place—and there are so many different places that people want to experience.

Whether you’re looking for tips on how to pack for your next trip or want to share your experiences with a particular destination, we welcome all travel-related questions and comments. We also have a dedicated Travel section of our site where you can find more information about specific destinations, including reviews of hotels and tours!


The lifestyle forum is a great place to discuss anything that's on your mind and explore new ideas. We encourage you to post comments about topics that interest you, whether it's personal development or relationships. Whatever topic interests you, we're all here for each other so let's talk about it!

The lifestyle section is also a great way to meet people who have similar interests as yours—or if not, at least get some tips on how they manage their life better than how they were managing theirs before joining the forum (which should always be the case).

Here are some of the things we cover in this section:

  • Personal development - Whether it's improving yourself physically or mentally through exercise or reading self-help books; whatever helps improve your quality of life overall is welcome here!

  • Relationships - Dating advice isn't just for singles anymore - these days everyone needs help navigating romance properly so let us know what works best for them!

The general forum is for anything and everything.

The general forum is the best place to ask questions. It's also a great place to talk about your favorite sports team, hobby, book or anything else you can think of. Let's say you don't know what kind of movie star plays Superman in "Man of Steel." You can ask someone who does know and they'll answer your question right away!

If there's something that doesn't fit into the other categories (like books), then feel free to post it here too!

The lifestyle forum is for discussions about the kinds of things that are important in life, like work, family and relationships. The lifestyle forum is the place to talk about what's going on with your job or schoolwork, how your family is doing or if you have any issues in your relationship. It can be hard to ask these questions out loud or even get them answered by close friends and family members because they may not know enough about it.


The general forum is a great place to talk about anything, from sports to lifestyle. It's also a good place to ask questions if you don't know where else would be better suited for whatever subject matter you're interested in pursuing.
