How to Use a Standing Desk Correctly

التعليقات · 977 الآراء

the best standing desk we recommend for you

If you're considering purchasing a standing desk, you should make sure you understand how to get the most out of it before you get started. Some people find working at a standing desk uncomfortable, to begin with, and end up giving up too soon. Putting in the time to make your standing desk work for you is absolutely worth it at the end of the day. There are plenty of benefits of standing desks, and you should notice at least some of these right away once you purchase a standing desk. If you're unsure of how to make the most of your standing desk, there are a handful of ways to transform your experience to make it as comfortable and productive as possible. If you don't feel comfortable working at your standing desk, you might seriously benefit from trying some accessories to make a standing desk even more ergonomic or comfortable. These could include a mat to stand on to take some pressure off your feet and legs or a pillow for your wrists.

Standing desks help burn calories

Prior reports of the calories burned by standing versus sitting suggested a much higher calorie burn rate for standing, but this new study actually measured energy expenditure and likely represents a more accurate assessment.

Personally, I love the idea — rather than sitting all day staring at a computer screen, surely it would be better to be standing (while staring at a computer screen). But, I also love the idea of studying some of the assumptions surrounding standing desks. A common one is this: certainly it takes more effort — and extra calories — to remain upright rather than sit, and over a course of days or weeks those extra calories would add up to something significant. But is it true that a electric standing desk can help you avoid weight gain or even lose excess weight?

That's just what researchers publishing in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health tried to answer. (Yes, there is such a journal.) They fitted 74 healthy people with masks that measured oxygen consumption as a reflection of how many calories they burned while doing computer work, watching TV, standing, or walking on a treadmill. Here's what they found:While sitting, study subjects burned 80 calories/hour — about the same as typing or watching TVWhile standing, the number of calories burned was only slightly higher than while sitting — about 88 calories/hourWalking burned 210 calories/hour.In other words, use of a standing desk for three hours burns an extra 24 calories, about the same number of calories in a carrot. But walking for just a half hour during your lunch break could burn an extra 100 calories each day.

Finally, standing desks may be a great way to lose weight while you work. This is because you can burn far more calories at a standing desk than you would sitting down throughout the day. If you're interested in losing weight, you can use a standing desk to passively burn more calories while you work.


"Not sitting" may bring a lot of advantages especially to one's health, be it from the form walking or just standing. Moderation is our friend. Moving a lot will be beneficial for you in the long run and can also help with the productivity and creativity as studies suggests. While thinking of other ways to protect yourself from getting sick, start from investing in a standing desk. Try the electric standing desk or height adjustable standing desk as an example – a standard electric or adjustable desk from FEZIBO. This brand is specialized in home office products. What makes this a unique standing desk is that it's sold at an affordable price. It's cheaper than most brands in the market yet it does 90% of the job. You get to work and stay healthy at the same time. Having great health and intuition enables us to face all the challenges of life.

Of course, good office furniture will solve both problems, but it's a matter of each employee’s wants and needs. The problem, of course, is that some workers do not want to sit for eight hours, nor do they want to stand for that amount of time either. So, how do you solve this problem? You allow employees to give their input on sitting, standing, or stand up desk.

standing gaming desk

When workers use a sit to stand desk or a standing desk even for a small part of the workday, it will minimalize these health risks and allow workers to have more control over when they exercise on the job. It also promotes better muscle balance and spine alignment when workers are not sitting for their entire shifts. The ability to choose also gives employees more freedom.

Now, with working from home having become the new normal, your office set up may have changed in recent weeks.

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